PEAK Relational Training System: Generalization Module by Dr. Mark R. Dixon
PEAK Relational Training System: Generalization Module by Dr. Mark R. Dixon PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
The PEAK Generalization Module is the second installment of an evidence-based autism assessment and treatment guide. PEAK uses the best practices of Applied Behavior Analysis to guide the novice or skilled therapist through all the necessary steps towards effective treatment for persons with autism and related disorders. PEAK stands apart from all other treatment guides and protocols in a variety of ways. First, it contains a reliable and valid assessment for determining what skills are present and deficit in a learner's repertoire. Second, it contains clear directions for how to collect, summarize, and report data for caregivers. Finally, PEAK contains 184 Goals/Objectives that can be immediately used for integration into IEPs and other clinical protocols. PEAK's Generalization Module is the next generation of ABA Therapy. A radical departure from standard ABA begins with this module, as all skills are taught using a mixture of reinforced stimuli trials and tested-only stimuli trials. Extensive description is given on how to implement programs designed specifically for generalization to novel stimuli, instructors, and responses. Topics include: Common Core targets, intelligence test targets, short/long term memory development, creative behavior, abstraction to novel features/functions/classes, complex conversation skills, understanding emotions, and perspective taking. Don't settle for teaching only basic skills. Take the guess work out of what skills should come next in the learner's repertoire. PEAK will take the child with autism far beyond the other ABA treatment and program guides.From reader reviews:
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