Camila: The Tale of a Vampire by Kristen Davenport
Camila: The Tale of a Vampire by Kristen Davenport PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
From the moment Camila is turned into a vampire, she is never the same. At first, the transition is difficult, but with some help from an experienced vampire, she begins to accept her newly discovered fate. Hunting slowly becomes something that's enjoyed, as she realizes her place in the world as a vampire. Then, Camila's dreams are filled with strange and cryptic messages, and she sets out to find the truth behind those dreams. It turns out that she is only one piece of the puzzle, and that she and quite a few others must travel to an unknown island to be a part of a prophesied apocalypse. Her challenge is to find these people, discover the location of the island, and get to that location before it is too late. Along the way, Camila will have encounters with people who are trying to stand in her way, but hopefully, in the end, she will come out with a victory.From reader reviews:
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