Saturday, 29 March 2014

PDF⋙ Your College Experience: Strategies for Success by John N. Gardner, Betsy O. Barefoot

Your College Experience: Strategies for Success by John N. Gardner, Betsy O. Barefoot

Your College Experience: Strategies for Success

Your College Experience: Strategies for Success by John N. Gardner, Betsy O. Barefoot PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Written by the leading authorities on the first-year seminar and grounded in research, Your College Experience by John Gardner and Betsy Barefoot offers today’s diverse students the practical help they need to make the transition to college and get the most out of their time there. While maintaining its hallmark theme of goal setting, the Eleventh Edition reflects a focus on practical strategies across all topics of the book to help students be successful from the start. Chapters on Time Management, Communication and Information Literacy, and Careers and Majors have all been thoroughly updated to fully incorporate the tools and strategies students use on campus right now.

NOTE:It is a stanalone book.

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